Sunday, February 27, 2011

Childrens Toys Fit for Royalty

One of the few movies I've seen lately that is up for an Academy Award is "The Kings Speech". Great movie, but did you notice the scenes with the Princess, Elizabeth and Margret?  They were always in amazing playrooms.  I especially noticed them combing the long tails (real horse hair I'm sure) on their beautiful hobby horses. Most children I know have rooms full of toys but it made me think:  If money was no object, would you consider some high end children's playthings? I've seen some amazing, but pricey, toys.  Are they too expensive for grubby little  hands? What would you pay for your little prince or princess to enjoy? All below are available to buy, just click on the links.

Riding toys seem to command top prices. This one is amazing.  My babes were all so tall that I wonder how long they could have used this.

 I love this, but the BL Baby boy is driving a truck to school and work that cost way less. Are movie stars children the royal kids of today? 

My grandmother had a green depression ware childs tea set that my sister and I remember playing with when we visited her.  I'm sure it was much less expensive than this, but note that this artist customizes her sets.  This one is a beauty.  Would you let a child play with this art piece?

 Dolls can be sky high expensive but usually aren't for children. (Kind of sad, right.) There are some pricey but wonderful Waldorf type dolls out there that are for kids. Most of them I've found come from Europe or Israel. This maker ships from Russia and the dolls have exquisite clothes - handmade sweaters, beautiful underthings.  My mother made  me a wardrobe for an 18 inch Bride doll I loved that would have cost a fortune.  I played with it for years and my youngest sister inherited the remnants and still has them.

Many parents will spend several hundred dollars on video game systems and games for their children.  These we know will be out of date in a couple of years.  Wonderful, sturdy, hand made toys can be passed on to many children so they could be a much better value. Would it be good or bad for our kiddlets?

1 comment:

  1. these toys are amazing- and if money were no object- yes i would buy them. thing is-when my mom hand made me a doll-there wasn't anything on the market that ever meant more-even as a child i felt this way. with her gone now i am never more grateful for such items.
